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Innovation Australia, Marketing on the board? What do you think needs to change for a policitcal shi

Very exciting times!

Marketing at the board table, we see communications rapidly increasing in local government as a positive step yet marketing is slow off the bat.

Gen X (doers), Y ( the I generation), and millenniums (me generation) want to hear their ideas matter and have excellent ideas, but they’re easily distracted by iPads and iPods and all things starting with ‘i’ that have touch screen capability.

Personally, I believe in delivering the adequate growth we need to find ways we can partner "baby boomers" with the "younger digital savy generations."

Encourage them to share their successes and strategies without them feeling threatened and scared; they won't be out of a job they will be helping our future country with real life experiences and skills.

In return, the younger generation needs to be willing to listen, learn and take in the knowledge with a respectful and understanding manner.

As a young local marketing and economic development innovator, this does come as refreshing news; we see a lot of fantastic ideas developed but often squashed or copied and not executed correctly.

This new focus on digital, new skill sets, fresh ideas, growth, new investment and taking risks will enable younger innovators not only opportunity to dream but now give them the confidence to achieve.

Congratulations Bill Ferris, Australia is lucky to have you to lead us on this project!

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